Mood disorders are challenging and sometimes difficult to treat. Depression and depression-related anxiety are two of the most common mood disorders diagnosed. And yet, while they are common, there is no consistently effective treatment for everyone. 

We encourage you to explore Minneapolis NeuroStar TMS therapy vs. other treatments for depression and anxious depression. NeuroStar TMS therapy is FDA-cleared for these mood disorders as well as an adjunctive treatment modality for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

What Is NeuroStar TMS Treatment?

TMS stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation. NeuroStar TMS therapy uses electromagnetic stimulation directed at the area in the brain responsible for mood disorders. TMS therapy was cleared in 2008 for the treatment of depression and has proven effective in a variety of conditions since then. 

Researchers are encouraged by the research evidence and case studies, which have prompted further studies into other brain disorders.

Using imaging techniques, researchers have discovered that areas of the brain responsible for depression appear to be less active than they should be. By using electromagnetic stimulation in the NeuroStar TMS therapy protocol, these areas of the brain are stimulated and begin working as they should. 

Research into NeuroStar TMS therapy has primarily been done on treatment-resistant people. This means that they have tried several rounds of antidepressant medications and other lifestyle changes without getting significant or measurable results. 

Research evidence has demonstrated that in these cases, individuals receiving NeuroStar TMS experience significant positive results and many have experienced complete remission. This means that after finishing a treatment cycle, a physician would not diagnose them with depression.

What Other Treatment Options Are There for Depression?

There are several treatment options for people with depression, but most of them come with a list of side effects that are challenging and sometimes dangerous. You should know the differences between NeuroStar TMS therapy in Minneapolis and other treatment options. 

Antidepressant Medications

The first-line treatment for depression is antidepressant medications. These medications work systemically. In other words, you take a pill that works on all the cells throughout your body with a potentially targeted effect on the brain. However, because they work throughout your body, they can cause side effects, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Drowsiness
  • Hallucinations
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Erectile dysfunction

In addition, many people do not get relief from their symptoms of depression, and a secondary side effect of antidepressant medications can be an increased risk of suicide.

Lifestyle Changes

Talk therapy, exercise, and good nutritional choices also make a significant difference in the symptoms of depression. However, it can be difficult to make these lifestyle changes when you are depressed and not motivated.

Electroconvulsive Therapy

A final choice for depression treatment is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), also called shock therapy. ECT is done under general anesthesia, which has its own risk of side effects. 

The most common side effects of ECT are nausea, fatigue, confusion, and memory loss, which can last from minutes to hours. During the procedure, electric currents are passed through the brain to trigger a brief seizure. ECT appears to cause changes in the brain’s chemistry and has been used when other treatments are unsuccessful.

While the side effects of other treatment options are significant, it’s important to know that there is hope. Since NeuroStar TMS therapy addresses the source of the mood disorder in your brain, there are none of the systemic side effects you get with antidepressant medications. 

Because NeuroStar TMS therapy does not require your participation or action, except to come to your appointments, people are often able to make changes to their lifestyle that support mental health after the treatment cycle because they no longer have symptoms and are more motivated. 

The most common side effect of TMS treatments is pain or discomfort at or near the treatment site. Any discomfort is transient and typically does not occur after the first week of treatment. A therapy cycle requires seven weeks of treatment, five days each week, in a session that normally lasts less than 30 minutes.

Why Should I Consider NeuroStar TMS?

NeuroStar TMS therapy is safe and effective for many people and has demonstrated proven results in people who have treatment-resistant depression. The therapy sessions do not require anesthesia or sedation, so after you finish, you can leave and go about your daily business. 

The treatment cycle lasts a short seven weeks, and many people have experienced significant results for one year or more. This offers you the opportunity to make significant changes in lifestyle choices—such as sleep, nutrition, and exercise—that have also proven to be effective in treating depression. 

While NeuroStar TMS therapy is an effective treatment for many people in Minneapolis, it is not the right treatment for all people. TMS therapy uses electromagnetic pulses, which, in very rare cases, have triggered a seizure without any lasting effects. Therefore, TMS therapy is not recommended for people who have a known seizure disorder. 

Since TMS therapy uses electromagnetic pulses, people with implanted magnetic or metal devices cannot use NeuroStar TMS. This includes devices like cochlear implants, pacemakers, bullet fragments, or tattoos that use ferromagnetic ink.

Call Today For More Information About NeuroStar TMS Therapy vs. Other Depression Treatments in Minneapolis

If you have symptoms of depression or anxious depression that have not responded to other treatments, it might be time to consider NeuroStar TMS. During your initial consultation, our knowledgeable physician, Dr. Awosika, will discuss Minneapolis NeuroStar TMS therapy vs. other treatments to ensure you make an informed decision. Call Pinnacle Behavioral Healthcare today to learn about the hope that exists for depression treatment. 

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